Call us today on: 01934 713 013
Coronation House, The Borough, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 4EG


We understand that you may feel nervous, worried or just plain afraid before a visit to the dentist but we are here to help you with that. Our team are here to help you work through your worries and concerns until you feel confident and happy to attend the practice. As a team we are proud to provide high quality dental care for all of our patients. Each team member is constantly updating their skills and knowledge through further study. This ensures that you receive care which is in line with the most up to date thinking in preventative dentistry.

Many patients are nervous to some degree at the thought of having to visit the dentist. In the United Kingdom it is estimated that approximately 40% of the population does not attend the dentist regularly, because they are too apprehensive. In the past, very nervous patients were frequently given a general anaesthetic as the only means of enabling them to deal with having dental treatment. However, due to legislation, this is no longer available unless as a referral to hospital, and only for a limited number of procedures.

Nevertheless, there are still many methods available to help people cope with dental anxiety such as oral or intravenous sedation. However, due to the sedative effect of the drugs used, this type of treatment has the disadvantage that operating machinery or driving is not advisable for up to 24 hours after the treatment.